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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find other AxEC members?

You can find all the AxEC members in the Members Directory section in the Member's Den. Navigate to Member's Den, and then click on Members Directory.

How do I update my profile?

To update your member profile, reach out to us on our private slack forum at www.axecon.slack.com or drop an inquiry through our General Inquiry form.

How do I upgrade my membership to be Charter member?

To upgrade your membership from the General plan to the Charter plan, reach out to us on our private slack forum at www.axecon.slack.com or drop an inquiry through our General Inquiry form.

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, log into your member profile by clicking on Member's Den. After logging in, click on the "Cancel membership" button.

How do I update my email?

To upgrade your email address, reach out to us on our private slack forum at www.axecon.slack.com or drop an inquiry through our General Inquiry form.

How do I know when my membership expires?

It is valid for 1 year from the date of enrollment. You can check your date of enrollment in the membership confirmation email you receive post-payment.

Is my membership tax deductible?

Since AxEC is a California Registered Mutual Benefit Corporation 501(c)6., your membership may be deductible as a business expense. Please contact your tax consultant to confirm.

Is AxEC a Registered Charity organization ?

Yes, AxEC is a California Registered Mutual Benefit Corporation 501(c)6.

Why do I have to pay a membership fee?

Like any other professional organization, AxEC has operational costs. Therefore a minimum amount of $5 per month or $10 per month is mandated to cover these costs. The membership fees has to be paid in full in advance.

Does AxEC have a management team?

AxEC has a Board of Directors as mandated by State and Federal laws.